Youth rural populations do not feel connected to their original area and they lose, or at least weaken, their sense of place attachment and identity as well as the pride in their unique local place and culture. Scientific research has shown that this loss of place attachment and place identity results in lower degrees of active citizenship on a local level.

According to the UNESCO, the right of young people to access, enjoy and actively participate in cultural life is enshrined in international law, forming a key part of their cultural and human rights. Participation in cultural life is necessary for young people to gain an understanding of their own culture and that of others, which in turn broadens their horizons, strengthens their ability to peacefully resolve conflicts and fosters respect for cultural diversity.

Moreover, as recognized by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, culture is also a driver of sustainable development. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the cultural and creative industries represented 30 million jobs worldwide and employed more people ages 15 to 29 than any other sector.

With millions of young people currently facing unemployment, expanding access to the cultural industries and supporting young artists and cultural entrepreneurs is more vital than ever. Empowering youth to attain their cultural rights, therefore, lies at the heart of UNESCO’s work on youth and culture, with youth being fundamental to the implementation of its six Culture Conventions

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