BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Youth Initiative Development Programme - ECPv6.4.0.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Youth Initiative Development Programme REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:UTC BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:UTC DTSTART:20230101T000000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240511 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240512 DTSTAMP:20240514T030607 CREATED:20230211T201408Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230716T163557Z SUMMARY:Run for Mental and Physical Health DESCRIPTION:🏃‍♂️ Mental Health Run: Lace up your running shoes and join us for a fun and meaningful Mental Health Run! Taking place alongside the dinner\, this event will raise awareness about mental health and promote physical well-being as a crucial component of overall mental well-being. Let’s come together\, run side by side\, and make a positive impact in the mental health space. URL: LOCATION:Nairobi\, Kenya\, Nairobi\, Kenya CATEGORIES:Health ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="Youth Initiative Development Programme" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240405T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240405T143000 DTSTAMP:20240514T030607 CREATED:20231108T070226Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231108T072603Z SUMMARY:Fostering Inner Harmony in Young Athletes: The Fusion of Physiotherapy and Psychotherapy DESCRIPTION:The “Fostering Inner Harmony in Young Athletes: The Fusion of Physiotherapy and Psychotherapy Luncheon” is an event designed to highlight and celebrate the integration of physiotherapy and psychotherapy in the holistic development of young athletes. This luncheon provides a platform for stakeholders\, professionals\, coaches\, and supporters to come together and discuss the importance of nurturing the mental and physical well-being of youth in sports. It offers an opportunity for presentations\, discussions\, and networking\, aiming to raise awareness about the significance of comprehensive health for young athletes and inspire support for initiatives in this domain. \nTicket Price: Kshs. 6500 \n  URL: LOCATION:Kisumu County\, Kenya\, Kenya ORGANIZER;CN="Youth Initiative Development Programme" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240329 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240331 DTSTAMP:20240514T030607 CREATED:20230717T122952Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230725T195414Z SUMMARY:Responsible Gambling Practices and Harm Reduction Symposium DESCRIPTION:Kenya has one of the highest rates of gambling in the world\, with an estimated 1 in 5 adults being a regular gambler. This high rate of gambling has led to a number of mental health problems\, including anxiety\, depression\, and low self-esteem. \nA Responsible Gambling Practices and Harm Reduction Symposium would be a valuable opportunity to discuss the issue of gambling addiction in Kenya and to develop strategies to reduce the harm it causes. \nThe Responsible Gambling Practices and Harm Reduction Symposium aims to address the critical issue of youth gambling in Kenya and its potential impact on mental wellbeing. This symposium will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders\, including representatives from the gambling industry\, mental health professionals\, academics\, government officials\, youth advocates\, and community leaders. By fostering dialogue and knowledge exchange\, the symposium seeks to develop collaborative strategies to promote responsible gambling practices and reduce harm among young gamblers in Kenya\, with a specific focus on safeguarding their mental wellbeing. \nHere are our key objectives: \n\nRaise Awareness: Increase awareness about the relationship between youth gambling and mental health challenges among symposium attendees.\nResponsible Gambling Measures: Share insights into successful responsible gambling practices and initiatives within the gambling industry.\nHarm Reduction Strategies: Explore evidence-based harm reduction strategies to prevent excessive gambling and protect youth from potential harm.\nCollaborative Solutions: Facilitate collaborative discussions and brainstorming sessions to develop actionable solutions to address youth gambling and mental wellbeing.\nEmpowering Youth: Provide a platform for youth representatives to voice their concerns\, experiences\, and suggestions related to gambling and mental health.The one-day symposium will feature keynote presentations\, panel discussions\, expert-led sessions\, breakout workshops\, and interactive networking opportunities.\n\nHere are some potential session topics for a Responsible Gambling Practices and Harm Reduction Symposium: \nSession 1: Understanding Gambling Behavior and Its Impact on Individuals and Communities \nExploring the psychological and sociological aspects of gambling behavior.\nExamining the prevalence of gambling addiction and its effects on individuals\, families\, and society.\nIdentifying risk factors and vulnerable populations for problem gambling. \nSession 2: Best Practices in Responsible Gambling Education and Awareness \nDiscussing effective educational programs and campaigns to promote responsible gambling behavior.\nSharing successful examples of responsible gambling initiatives and their impact on reducing harm.\nExploring innovative approaches to reach different demographics\, including youth and vulnerable groups. \nSession 3: Collaborative Approaches: Partnerships between Industry\, Government\, and NGOs \nAnalyzing the role of gambling operators in promoting responsible gambling practices.\nDiscussing effective collaborations between governments\, NGOs\, and industry stakeholders in implementing harm reduction strategies.\nExamining the challenges and opportunities of multi-sector partnerships.\nSession 4: Implementing Effective Self-Exclusion and Player Protection Tools \nUnderstanding self-exclusion programs and their effectiveness in preventing problem gambling.\nDiscussing the role of technology in implementing player protection tools\, such as spending limits and cool-off periods.\nSharing experiences and best practices in implementing and evaluating these tools. \nSession 5: Harm Reduction Strategies for Online Gambling and Mobile Apps \nExploring the unique challenges of responsible gambling in the online and mobile gambling environment.\nDiscussing technological solutions to monitor and prevent excessive gambling behaviors online.\nIdentifying opportunities for industry innovation to enhance player protection and responsible gambling practices in the digital space.\nSession 6: Responsible Marketing and Advertising in the Gambling Industry \nExamining the impact of gambling advertising on vulnerable populations and youth.\nDiscussing ethical marketing practices and guidelines for the gambling industry.\nIdentifying strategies to ensure responsible advertising and minimize harm. \nSession 7: Addressing Comorbidity: Overlapping Issues of Problem Gambling and Mental Health \nUnderstanding the connections between problem gambling and mental health disorders.\nDiscussing integrated approaches for addressing co-occurring problems.\nExploring best practices in providing mental health support for individuals affected by problem gambling. \nSession 8: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Responsible Gambling Programs \nDiscussing methodologies for assessing the impact and effectiveness of responsible gambling initiatives.\nSharing research findings on the outcomes of harm reduction strategies.\nIdentifying areas for improvement and future research in responsible gambling practices. \nThe symposium will feature keynote addresses from industry experts\, government representatives\, and mental health professionals. Panel discussions\, interactive workshops\, and case studies will facilitate in-depth conversations and knowledge sharing. There will also be opportunities for networking and collaboration between stakeholders. \nAudience: The symposium is open to representatives from the gambling industry\, government officials\, mental health practitioners\, researchers\, NGOs\, youth organizations\, and anyone interested in promoting responsible gambling and harm reduction in Kenya. \nFor partnership contact URL: LOCATION:Kisumu County\, Kenya\, Kenya CATEGORIES:Conference,Health ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="Youth Initiative Development Programme" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231229T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231229T170000 DTSTAMP:20240514T030607 CREATED:20230725T201324Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230725T201324Z SUMMARY:Roundtable Topic: Addressing the Intersection of Adolescent Early Pregnancy\, HIV Infection\, and Mental Health in Marginalized Communities DESCRIPTION:Roundtable Theme: Empowering Adolescents for a Healthier Future \nThe roundtable aims to address the pressing issues of adolescent early pregnancy\, HIV infection\, and mental health among young people in marginalized communities. The theme focuses on empowering adolescents through comprehensive support\, education\, and access to healthcare services to ensure a healthier future for them. \nKey Discussion Points: \n\nUnderstanding the Challenges: Explore the root causes and challenges faced by adolescents in marginalized communities that lead to early pregnancy\, HIV infection\, and mental health issues. Examine the social\, economic\, and cultural factors that contribute to these challenges.\nComprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health Education: Highlight the importance of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education in schools\, religious institutions\, and community settings. Discuss strategies to empower adolescents with accurate information about safe sex practices\, family planning\, and HIV prevention.\nAccess to Healthcare Services: Address the barriers faced by adolescents in marginalized communities in accessing healthcare services. Identify ways to improve access to HIV testing\, treatment\, prenatal care\, and mental health support for young people.\nMental Health Support: Discuss the impact of early pregnancy and HIV infection on the mental health of adolescents. Explore ways to provide mental health support and counseling services to help young people cope with stigma\, anxiety\, and depression.\nCombating Stigma and Discrimination: Examine the role of stigma and discrimination in hindering adolescents from seeking healthcare and support. Develop strategies to combat stigma and create a supportive environment for young people.\nEngaging with Faith-Based Institutions: Explore the potential of religious institutions\, such as churches and mosques\, in promoting positive behaviors and providing support to adolescents. Discuss ways to work collaboratively with faith-based organizations to disseminate accurate information and foster acceptance.\nCommunity Involvement: Emphasize the importance of community engagement in supporting adolescents. Involve parents\, community leaders\, and youth advocates in developing solutions that are relevant to the specific needs of marginalized communities.\nEmpowerment and Resilience: Discuss how to empower adolescents to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. Explore ways to build resilience and agency in young people to navigate challenges and improve their overall quality of life.\nMulti-Sectoral Collaboration: Highlight the significance of multi-sectoral collaboration in addressing these complex issues. Encourage partnerships between government agencies\, non-governmental organizations\, healthcare providers\, educational institutions\, and community stakeholders.\n\nThe roundtable seeks to foster open and constructive dialogue among stakeholders to develop actionable strategies and recommendations. It aims to promote holistic approaches to address adolescent early pregnancy\, HIV infection\, and mental health in marginalized communities\, ensuring that young people receive the support they need to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. URL: LOCATION:Nairobi\, Kenya\, Nairobi\, Kenya ORGANIZER;CN="Youth Initiative Development Programme" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231103T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231103T210000 DTSTAMP:20240514T030607 CREATED:20230716T162815Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231004T070659Z SUMMARY:YIDP MENTAL HEALTH DINNER DESCRIPTION:Mental health is a fundamental aspect of overall well-being\, both at an individual and collective level. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the already concerning state of mental health worldwide\, leading to a 25% increase in depression and anxiety cases globally. In Africa\, the situation is equally concerning\, with over 116 million people already living with mental health conditions before the pandemic. However\, the allocation of resources and investment in mental health care in the region remains inadequate. \nYoung people\, despite their age\, are not exempt from these challenges. Mental health conditions account for 16% of the global burden of disease and injury in individuals aged 10-19 years\, and Africa’s youthful population\, with a median age of 19.7\, is particularly affected. Yet\, the existing mental health facilities and professionals on the continent are unable to keep up with the rising demand. \nFor instance\, Kenya\, with a population of 50 million\, only has about 80 psychiatrists\, 30 clinical psychologists\, and fewer than 500 psychiatric nurses. Similar situations are observed in other countries\, highlighting the urgent need to address mental health issues and combat the stigma associated with these disorders. \nEfforts to address mental health challenges require increased investment\, awareness\, and accessible services. Organizations like YIDP are playing a crucial role in advocating for improved mental health care and support for young people in Africa. Together\, we can work towards enhancing mental well-being and empowering the youth to lead fulfilling lives\, contributing positively to their communities and society as a whole. Join us at the Mental Wellness Dinner to explore possibilities for partnership in hosting a mental health run and an in-person conference. The theme of the event will focus on “Unlocking the potential of PPPs and technology to revolutionize mental health crisis among children\, adolescents\, and youths in Africa.” Through collaborative efforts\, we aim to make a significant impact in improving mental health support and services for the youth in the region. \nDownload Brochure here URL: LOCATION:Weston Hotel Nairobi\, Kenya CATEGORIES:Health ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="Youth Initiative Development Programme" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230810 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230813 DTSTAMP:20240514T030607 CREATED:20230211T203105Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230712T120938Z SUMMARY:Youth Initiative Development Programme Convention\, 2023 DESCRIPTION:The Youth Initiative Development Programme (YIDP) Convention is a pan-African convention theme; Building a Sustainable Healthy Community for Youths in Africa. its primary goal is to focus on youth development to set the pace towards constructive working relationships between the public and private sectors\, creating a more enabling healthy environment for youth empowerment and job creation in the African continent. \nYIDP Convention will be 2 days highly interactive hybrid event happening from 10th-11th August 2023. The convention will be fully virtual participation and welcomes eminent entrepreneur experts\, investors\, universities & colleges\, researchers\, healthcare experts\, research institutions\, business & youth leaders\, and development partners. The panels will discuss\, share information and provide lessons learnt and insights on key areas that affect African youth development. \n  URL: LOCATION:Virtual\, Nairobi\, Kenya CATEGORIES:Conference ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="Youth Initiative Development Programme" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230223T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230223T170000 DTSTAMP:20240514T030607 CREATED:20231108T083911Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231108T083911Z SUMMARY:Embracing Wholeness: Nurturing Mental Health in Our Faith Community DESCRIPTION:This theme reflects the idea of mental health as an integral part of holistic well-being and underscores the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive environment within the church. It signifies a commitment to understanding\, destigmatizing\, and addressing mental health challenges in a faith-based context\, emphasizing the concept of wholeness for all members of the congregation. \nThis is a one-day workshop on “Mental Health in Church: Training 50 Youth Pastors” aims to provide an intensive and focused training program for youth pastors to effectively address mental health challenges within their congregations. This concept outlines the following key elements: \nWorkshop Overview: A one-day\, intensive workshop designed to equip 50 youth pastors with the knowledge and skills required to address mental health concerns among the young members of their congregations. \nTraining Modules: \n\nUnderstanding Mental Health: Exploring the basics of mental health\, common disorders\, and the importance of mental health awareness in the church.\nRecognizing Signs and Symptoms: Teaching pastors how to identify signs of mental distress in youth and when to intervene.\nMental Health Stigma and Faith: Discussing the stigma associated with mental health in religious contexts and ways to overcome it.\nPastoral Care and Support: Providing guidance on offering compassionate care\, active listening\, and appropriate support to youth dealing with mental health challenges.\nCrisis Intervention: Equipping pastors with crisis management skills\, including suicide prevention and dealing with acute mental health crises.\nCreating Safe and Supportive Environments: Discussing the role of youth group dynamics in mental well-being and strategies for creating safe spaces.\nResources and Referrals: Providing information on local mental health resources and organizations that can assist individuals in need.\n\nPractical Exercises: Interactive exercises\, case studies\, and role-playing scenarios to help pastors apply their knowledge in real-life situations. \nQ&A Sessions: Opportunities for pastors to ask questions and seek clarification on various mental health topics. \nNetworking and Peer Support: Encouraging pastors to share experiences\, challenges\, and best practices in addressing mental health within their church communities. \nAction Plans: At the end of the workshop\, each pastor will be encouraged to develop an action plan for implementing what they’ve learned in their congregations. \nThe workshop focuses on empowering youth pastors to be mental health advocates within their congregations\, fostering a more supportive and understanding church community. It provides practical skills and knowledge to help pastors recognize and respond to the mental health needs of young church members. This concept envisions a more compassionate and informed approach to mental health in religious settings. URL: LOCATION:Nairobi\, Kenya\, Nairobi\, Kenya ORGANIZER;CN="Youth Initiative Development Programme" END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR